Friday, December 21, 2007

vegan apple banana muffins

After the sugar cookies and getting the tiny terrors to bed I started on my next baking adventure: vegan apple banana muffins.
These were made for Cory's Christmas breakfast at work, so I only got the privilege of eating half a muffin. (Cory ate the other half)
I'm not a vegan. I'm so not a vegan. There was one month year or so ago when I didn't eat meat for a whole month. (with the exception of that one bowl from KFC. It was asking to be eaten and I've never been the kinda girl that could say no when it comes to food) That's the closest I've ever come. But if everything vegan were this simple to make and tasted this delicious I'd jump on the vegan bandwagon.

2 cups flour
4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups apple juice
1 apple, diced
2 ripe bananas, smashed

Just toss everything together, put in muffin tins or liners, and bake at 325 for 35-45 minutes. Don't be afraid to fill the liners to near the top. These muffins were pretty dense so you won't get that nice muffin top. But the taste definitely makes up for its lack in beauty.

There's no need for butter, eggs, or milk because the moisture from the apple juice & fruit makes them so moist & perfect.

I made a double recipe because I knew there would be a lot of people at Cory's work this morning, and managed to fill all the liners I had left, which was 24, and I have enough batter left over for..ehh..probably 10 more or so. So I'm thinking this recipe should get you about 15-20 muffins give or take.


Unknown said...

ROCKIN'!!! You mean BESIDES being my friend, you are ALSO going to teach me baking?

This one I can pass on to my friends who work at The Earth if you don't mind. (the store, not the restaurant.) Maka would adore the knowing how to make these. She's all healthy and stuff :).

vanessa said...

Pass away. :)

Anonymous said...

i can't wait to try this out. a couple of my dearest friends are vegan and i'm always trying to have stuff they can eat when they come to hang out.

this blog is literally making my mouth water.